Lunenburg Submission / Revision Form

Name / Address

This address will be used to locate you on the directory map.


Please be specific.
Not shown on listing.

Online Links

Please input the relevant URLs for any active media channels.

Industry Specific

Other / Custom Link

If there is another link you would like to include with your listing please provide the name and URL.

Listing Description

Your description will help people get to know what your local business or special place is all about. So get creative and tell us your story! Try to go beyond the generic details and share what makes you unique or special. 100 to 200 words is a good target.


To make your listing visually engaging and interesting, please provide some quality photos / graphics.

Maximum file size: 33.55MB

This will be shown with your listing description (minimum 400 x 400 pixels)

Maximum file size: 33.55MB

You can include up to 16 images with your listing. A variety of shapes (aspect ratios) will make your gallery look more interesting. Try to use quality images that showcase your business’s personality.

Maximum file size: 33.55MB

(brochure / booklet / catalogue) – If it adds value, you can include a downloadable PDF with your listing.
A short video can be a great way to promote your business. Your listing can accept videos from YouTube™ or Vimeo™ by entering the URL in the field.
Once we receive your form one of our digital destination coordinators will review your submission and get back to you with any questions.